Sunday, March 20, 2011


               Role & function of Educational Media Center 
        In this lesson I learned that educational Media Center is a place where audio-visual materials and equipment for instructional support were housed.It provides a venue for multimedia learning for a more effective instructional process in school.
To determine the importance of educational media center to the teaching and learning process. 
Explore the possibility of setting up or improvingmedia center.
Evaluate the media center of the school..
 Responsibility of Media Specialist in Education:   
Plan instructional programs
Share information about resources and search strategies
Help with the operation of a peace of equipment
Suggest specific resources for particular unit
Provide conducive learning environment
Provide conducive learning environment

Sunday, March 6, 2011


                   Assessment  in a Constructivist, Technology-Supported Learning
            In this lesson I learned that complex learning cannot be assessed or evaluated using any single measure.We  must examine both the processes & products of students learning. We should go beyond memorizing for tests,we should not study only for a passing score and a passing grade. We should study to learned and gain knowledge.
            In a technology-supported classroom, the students learn from and with technology. Technology is seen as source of information or the teacher enable the students to learn.


                     The Project-based Learning  Multimedia as a Teaching-Learning Strategy
           In this lesson I learned that the effective use of project-based multimedia learning requires planning. Planning is very important, it involves: clarification of goals and objectives, determining how much time is needed and extent of students' involvement in decision making, setting of forms of collaboration, identifying & determining what resources are needed, and deciding on the mode to measure what students learn.
          There are steps on the process of multimedia cretions:
1. Planning 
2. Researching
3. Organizing
4.  Developing
5. Communicating
6. Evaluating
          In this lesson also I learned that we should use the strategy effectively to enable the students to remember and understand better content as they perform real-world task.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


                        Project-based Learning and Multimedia
           Project-based learning redefines the boundaries of the classroom. Project-based multimedia learning does not only involve use of multimedia for learning. The students end up with a multimedia product to show what they learned. So they are not only learners of academic content, they are at the same time authors of multimedia product at the end of the learning process. The goals and objectives of a project are based on the core curriculum as laid down in the curricular standards and are made crystal clear to students at the beginning of the project. The students work collaboratively over an extended time frame. As they work, they employ life skills including decision making. Their learning task ends up with a multimedia presentation through their multimedia product.  


               Maximizing the use of the Overhead Projector and the Chalkboard
        Among all instructional equipment, the chalkboard is most available. The overhead projector is another versatile equipment that is quiet common today. By learning how to use them properly and in an inexpensive way we are able to realize our instructional objectives. The projector itself is simple to operate. The overhead projector seems more available in schools today. It has a lot of advantages. There are other kinds of projectors like opaque projector and slide projector. There are two overhead projection techniques this are overlaying and progressive disclosure technique. It is better to use overhead projector because we can save much time. Adopting them in our teaching spells visual and lasting learning for our students.

Monday, February 7, 2011

About Divshare

            DivShare is an all-inclusive file hosting web site.  DivShare allows users to host audio, video, documents and more similar to how they would be stored on a web server.  DivShare files are able to be embedded, shared via links and offer different privacy levels, such as password protection, for users looking to utilize the service.  In order to sign up for a free account, you provide your e-mail address, confirm that without a day and you are good to go using the DivShare service.DivShare is a leader in media filesharing where you can store, share and publish. DivShare’s cloud-based service is based on the Kadoo Backstage APIs allowing users to privately share or publicly publish all their media files and documents on the Internet, mobile devices and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. DivShare’s rapidly growing audience of over 2,000,000 users has shared over 50 billion files using DivShare’s customizable video players, audio players, and document viewers. divShare recently added the ability to stream HD video over the internet to set-top boxes, web-enabled TVs, and a host of other devices including smart phones and tablets. Allows users to share files directly with friends, through profiles, or in feed streams. Divshare is a leader in media file sharing where you can store, share and publish.



Course & Year:

Sunday, February 6, 2011


                                       Reaching with Visual Symbols
        Visual symbols requires more preparation and more learning. Visual symbols include drawings, cartoons, strip drawings, diagrams, formulas, charts, graphs, maps, globes and etc. Visual symbols will be made meaningful if we can use them as summaries of our own direct experiences or our own rich indirect experiences. The proper use of visual symbols will contribute to optimum learning. The collection, preparation and use of these various visual symbols depends to a great extend on our own resourcefulness and creativity. They may be used in different ways and in different phases of the lesson depending on our purpose. If we use them skillfully, our classroom may turn into a beehive of busy students.